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Sacred Singing...
Sacred Singing is meditative singing. The songs and chants are often repetitive in word and melody. They can be devotional, mark the seasons, a rite of passage or have lyrics with several verses that tell a story. At times we add harmonies, percussion or simple accompaniments.
Chanting is an ancient practice with a wide range of benefits. Studies have shown that it decreases stress, anxiety and depression. It helps to feel more relaxed and thus has a positive effect on health and the immune system, as well as increase focus and concentration.
We include rune chanting, songs from different cultures, and various backgrounds.
I usually like to give sessions a ritualistic framework with songs that suggest casting a circle and invoking the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, thus creating a sacred space through song.

Ferryman ChantSacred Singing
00:00 / 02:00

A beautiful centre piece creates a focal point around which we sit and sing, and at times dance and contemplate.
Chanting alters the state of consciousness and creates a sense of well being and togetherness. Ultimately, I am convinced, that Sacred Singing transcends religion and belief systems and can be part of any spiritual practice.
We are meeting 6-8 times a year. Meetings are either at my North London Temple or a venue to be announced. All are welcome.
Bring a little food and drinks to share for a grounding social afterwards and there is a small fee of £5 (unless stated otherwise eg if we hire a bigger space)
For information on dates and venue, please visit the FaceBookPage or ask to be added to the email list.

What Keith Said
''She expertly taught the group new chants on the hoof, many of which were original and moving compositions.
The atmosphere was friendly and welcoming.
The songs and chants created a semi-ritualistic feel and were great for helping create the bonds of community,
as well as facilitating the basis of pagan understandings.''

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